
Thursday, March 1, 2012

On the Ice Again

Similar to Wilkie and the Breakfast Sandwich, comes the paradox of which came first: booze or ice fishing? All that is really known is that one could not survive with out the other, or at least neither could exist independently at the level the achieve when they are combined. I say this because our presence on the ice this paticular Saturday morning (25Feb2012) was met by 3 handles of Alan's Coffee Brandy, 1 handle of Crown Royal, 1 handle of Jim Bean, 1 handle of Hornitos, 1 handle of Dr. Mcgillicuddy's, and 1 handle of Old Gran Dad. That comes down to a handle a person (granted no all were full handles but you get the picture). Oh yeah, along with 2 full 30 racks and a loose 24 pack thanks to Jasper. It was going to be a good day.

Special thanks to the man in the green plaid jacket: Old Man Ice Water. We simply could not do it with out you.


Jesse Lance Robbins said...

great pics clark!

Andrew Wilkie said...

Here here, another fine day on the hardwater!

Keith said...

Well done men. The Northern Pike stands no chance against that combination of BFC talents...