Albanian Steele and I headed West one week ago. We were hot on the trail of a report from Dr. Steelegood and the newly initiated steele counterparts; Blades of Steele and Bails of Steele. Along with such reports come dreams of multiple steele days, even days in the double digits of steele. However, keeping the fickleness of the river at the forefront of your minds is essential to maintaining your sanity on the river. We've all seen it, the water boiling with fish, teeming with chrome and dirty chrome one day, then silent, dead silent, as if the river were raped of every living creature over night. Fortunately, this was not to be our fate.

In two and a half short days on the river, we went 18 for 86 and left happy men.
Just another day of steele paradise on the SR. Well done brothers.
do your like your new rod clark?
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