
Saturday, October 1, 2011


Trial run for a new banner and logo for solid hookups. Hopefully we will have a few more options and then maybe a final vote. Let me know what you think of this one. Also we are working on a new BFC logo...Will keep people posted on results.


Andrew Wilkie said...

Yo, just my opinion, I think the old logo, simple and outdated as it may be, should forever be at least part of the logo. This logo has been the foundation of the club for too long. You may remodel the old house but if the foundation has stood the test of time then build on it again.

Andrew Wilkie said...

To clarify, I am speaking of the original fish image of the BFC. I enjoyed seeing that image along the right side of the page.

Chet said...

I agree, I'd like to have some connection to the original logo for the sake of continuity and the long-term identity of the club.

What do you think about updating/adapting that original fish. Meaning, having a logo designer work with it and see what they come up with?

And just so it is clear, the header that is up there now isn't meant to be "the new logo." I'd really like to see a bunch of different ideas thrown out there, and then get the input of everyone in the club (or the alums that is) on what we finally go with.

J.J. Nissen said...

Hey, yeah I was never trying to swap out the old logo. That will stay with us forever. When I was messing with the site I pulled that down and forgot to put it back. Anyway, we have never really had an official BFC logo for the club, except for that one that the t-shirt place in lewiston made us and the G. Loomis rip off. So we can work on BFC logo, but this is something we can use just for Solid Hookups. Either way I am just trying to get something very simple that can be easily drawn and kinda catchy for a logo we can use for Solid Hookups and solid hookups apparel. This by no means has to be permanent, but I thought it was a nice change from what we had up for a banner.