
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reasons For NOT Fishing Mid-Week

So I have tomorrow off. First order of business after discovering this was to text/call every able bodied master of the fly within striking distance for a session on the Upper Magalloway. Got a few interesting excuses/reasons for NOT being able to attend.....

Jasper: "Wilkie, man, I'd love to but I'm setting up for ZZ Top and Skynard tomorrow in Bangor....can I take a rain check?"

Billy: "Aww man I'd be there for sure but I'm wrangling Steers in Cali this week and won't be back in Maine for a few more days; I'll give you a ring when I get back in town"

Not sure that I'll receive such phenomenal excuses ever again....

Rolling solo in the A.M


Jesse Lance Robbins said...

i'd go but i'm too hungover

Anonymous said...

Damn I wish I could have gone, fuck work. can't wait to see the recap.

Keith said...

I'd do it but my wife doesn't like me having fun.