So I have tomorrow off. First order of business after discovering this was to text/call every able bodied master of the fly within striking distance for a session on the Upper Magalloway. Got a few interesting excuses/reasons for NOT being able to attend.....
Jasper: "Wilkie, man, I'd love to but I'm setting up for ZZ Top and Skynard tomorrow in Bangor....can I take a rain check?"
Billy: "Aww man I'd be there for sure but I'm wrangling Steers in Cali this week and won't be back in Maine for a few more days; I'll give you a ring when I get back in town"
Not sure that I'll receive such phenomenal excuses ever again....
Rolling solo in the A.M
i'd go but i'm too hungover
Damn I wish I could have gone, fuck work. can't wait to see the recap.
I'd do it but my wife doesn't like me having fun.
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