Esteemed BFC colleagues, news of the First Annual Brooklyn Fishing Derby made it to my inbox this morning, take a look at the website
here. A pretty great idea, and run by a couple organizations I'm sad I'm just now hearing about. I've got a bit of free time coming up, so if anyone is in NYC (or coming to NYC) and wants to get involved in some urban fishing let me know and we can field a BFC in Brooklyn team.
Also, apart from the safe assumption that nothing lives in the
Gowanus Canal– one of the most polluted waterways in America, which I live next to–I know very little about fishing in the city, so if you know of any good resources send them my way.
i support Team BFC in this derby with all my heart.
urban angler in manhattan might be a good resource for locales.
i know there's only a weekend left or so, but i would be down for taking part. fuck, who knows we could catch another one of those montauk monsters.
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