a few fish from the season so far. here i am with a nice fish 42-43 inches, probably pushing 30 pounds. it has a nice story behind it. i was out fishing with a friend who is a good fisherman and an even better softball player. one of his rules of thumb is that he doesn't fish at night. but he does love striper, and hadn't had any since last season. he wanted a fish. as it got dark he decided to head in, while i stayed out and continued fishing. (in my experience, if you want to catch stripers, fish at night!!!). if i got a keeper, he wanted it. i had been getting into some 30 pounders lately, and half jokingly asked if he would eat a fish that big. if you catch a 30 pounder, he said, i will give you a plug. deal. a few hours later i called him up: i'll take that old black lipped swimmer you got hanging around...
on a side note, he is a surgeon, and after boiling down what was left after the fillets were removed he went in there and picked out enough meat to make himself a chowder thick with stiper. without touching the fillets! really good meat he said, rich, like lobster.

and here is a frind with a very big fish. his boca grip told him 52 lbs. early the next morning it tipped the scales at 50.8 lbs. as it flapped about my mind could only express itself in one or two words followed by a long pause as it tried to wrap itself around the presence of this fish...still not sure if it has done so yet...

there are big fish to be caught! go get em boys and girls...
pete, these are massive fish. you are a fine fisherman.
nice black jumpsuit by the way ;)
around here the big fish won't eat unless you are wearing a black jumpsuit.
and the more i fish the more i come to realize how fine a fisherman i am not...
ohhhhh shit. what did you entice those hogs with?
besides the ninjawear
ninjawear and a white bucktail jig for me. i think. maybe a storm shad. something i was bouncing along the bottom. as far as i can tell with jigs at night, if its present and falling in front of their face, it don't matter what the damn thing looks like. biggest fish i have caught hit a hideous grey/black unpainted 3 oz jig.
other fish hit swimming plug.
Good stuff man, good stuff. Haven't done much jigging for stripers but im definately going to have to give it a try
i would highly recommend it. jigging used to sound like a boring and unsatisfying way of fishing, but now that i have given it a shot, i feel very much otherwise. eyes on the bottom of the ocean is what they are. you can find out all sorts of awesome stuff with them, dress them in all sorts of ways, drop them at various speeds and depths and this that and the other...in a way it is very much like fishing with a fly, i have found.
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