
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kennebec River, 10/17


Keith said...

Beautiful fish and underwater photography. Any deatails on numbers and size?

Jesse Lance Robbins said...

hell yea man, very solid. nice shots underwater too. i do believe i see mr. mickey there. i had some bumps on the mousam on saturday on red & white, but didn't have any yeller. i got my hands on those species on sunday as well.

Andrew Wilkie said...

Glad you took the advice and ran with it; I'm liking the dedication....

Morrell said...

It's that late season panic. I'm just now realizing how close winter is, didn't get in my quota for September, and on top of this, when i hear the words "20+ inch trout", everything else gets put on hold...

Total tally was 1 brookie, 15 inches or so and 3 smaller salmon. Mr. Mickey did the damage as well as a monster parmachenee bell type streamer. What's happening this weekend gentlemen? I dont have plans and I am gonna try to get out for sure.

Thanks again wilkie, This is one hell of a beautiful spot. Well worth the 4am departure.